Thursday, January 24, 2013

So bad at this!

I started this blog as a memory keeper for all of the daily things my family goes through and mostly to keep intact thos especially funny moments that I don't ever want to lose sight of. The problem is I'm so darn busy and some of the funny stuff makes me want to go back and document everything that happened before this. There are not enough hours in the day to make this happen so I do the best I can. It's been year since I've posted anything and there is much to catch up on so here goes.

  • We have moved! It's been a wonderful year in our new home and I couldn't be happier. We love the area, the people, and the schools. The kids have finally all adjusted and have impressed me with their new choice in friends, involvement at school, and dedication to making this work. Don't get me wrong, the first few months were absolutely horrible for Abbie! Drake is constantly lonely since he has nowhere he can walk to. Norbert is bored most of the time but what teen isn't?
  • Norbert has gotten his license and it's still a shock to my system most days. I want to give him the freedome to be a teenager and drive all over the world in my car but I can't let go of this impending doom that something might happen that I can't control. He's a good driver but I have no faith with others on the road. Norb's also started looking at colleges which is very scary. His grades aren't strong enough yet to go to Vet school but he's addament he's going to make it happen. I really want him to go somewhere close so that he can live with us and continue saving money. I also want him to start working so that he has some kind of experience but Dennis wants him to wait until his truck is done so we don't have to drive him - we'll see!
  • Abbie has adjusted very well really. She's got a ton of wonderful friends, joined cheerleading, and is always involved in something. Sometimes she amazes me with what she can keep up with and other times I'm amazed at the size of her attitude. She's definitely not growing up to take slack from anyone! Abbie also has her temps and is doing her behind the wheel's getting scary in our house lol. She's in this new thing where she really likes taking pics of herself and herself with others (see below). When she wants to she really loves her brothers! She and Bailey broke up a few months ago and she's been spending time with a new boy. They aren't dating just yet but I think it's bound to happen sooner or later. She's been very happy and I like seeing that.

Abbie 1st Day of Cheer

Abbie Cheer Team - Varsity

  • Drake is his normal goofy self. He is getting into the whole teen attitude thing but he really knows how to work it when he wants to pass for younger. He's such a ham all the time and has, of course, made a ton of friends. He doesn't really get to spend much time with his friends because of the distance and having to drive everywhere but he's loved that's for sure! He currently has a girlfriend named Abby (very weird) and he's finally moved to the hand holding stage. Even though he's a handful some days he's still my snuggler on the couch. I have done a good job of "letting go" since football started but it's still hard most days. He has turned out to be an amazing player and once he got over the intial shock of tackling his friends he gained a ton of confidence. His team won Superbowl Champs 3 years in a row - what a great accomplishment!
Drake after winning Superbowl
  • Dennis and I continue doing what we do best - work & home life! We are so involved in what the kids are doing that it's like a 2nd job most days. I don't know what I'll do with my life when both Abbie & Norb are driving full time. That's pretty much it for us just rolling along the highs & lows and hoping for the best.
Pics from Abbie

Abbie & Drake at Walmart

Abbie & Norbert 1st day of school '13

Abbie loving herself AGAIN

Abbie & Norbert before school

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