Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wow 2 whole years!!!

I can't believe it's been 2 years since I've posted on here. So many things have happened I don't even know where to begin really. I won't lapse back too far but just try to stay current on what's happening now.

Sometimes I get a little freaked out about putting pen to paper and documenting too much since once it's on the internet it's always on the internet lol. I figured if I couldn't hold ALL of my memories here I wasn't going to document anything at all but to hell with that...I'm writing it all down!

Since my last post our family has experienced some big changes....so here we go!

Dennis & I - well let's see, what are the big milestones? I think bullet points are best haha

  • Dennis started working at his dads garage in order to prepare taking it over and running it when Big Norb retires
  • I quit Kohl's just recently and decided to embark on another adventure with United HealthGroup (Optum). So far I'm loving it!!!!
  • We have moved out of Union Grove/Waterford to Franklin. Funny how this worked out but the landlord is the dad of one of Abbie's ex-boyfriends. Shortly after we moved in there, they broke up lol. Talk about a little awkward!
  • Dennis and I became Beach Body Coaches and have started on a our healthy happy journey. It's a slow process but all good things come to those who wait right? At least I keep telling myself that.
  • Waiting for the concert to begin
  • I finally got to see Kenny Rogers in concert! Man if you know me, you know I love my Kenny to the ends of the earth! It was the most amazing concert :) Tears were shed, songs sang, more tears....truly a gift to see him in person. He's such a funny person and so genuine, exactly how I hoped he would be.
Looks great for 78!
I loved that he worked in jokes and all kinds of life stories. Can you believe he has 11 year old twins? WOW

  • We celebrated our 20 year anniversary in June. I have so much to say about this. I'm so in love with this man that its a whole body experience. I think I'll make a post just about him!
We had a lot of fun that night. Originally I had all these plans but when it came down to it we did very few of them and just enjoyed spending some time together. Went to dinner and then went home where we're most comfortable!


This was on our way to the races in Sun Prairie - it was fun and of course the kids were being dorks!


     Norbert started college last year at UW-Platteville as an Animal Science Major. He's ultimately hoping to go to Vet School in Madison. He's currently in his Sophomore Year and has really turned into this fantastic grown up man. I don't know how this happened or when but WOW he just amazes me with his confidence, perseverance, and drive. He's got the work ethic of his dad and works 2 part time jobs in addition to shadowing at a local vet clinic and taking 18 credits...he's a busy guy!
     He still has a huge love of the outdoors and does anything involving hunting & fishing. That is a bond I see growing larger everyday with his dad....I'm pretty sure this make Dennis very proud lol.

Norb at the Farm
Back to school

Still loves cooking
     Abbie also started college last year (in January). Things were pretty rough for her during the end of her Junior year and into her Senior year. There was so much drama with her so called friends and it was pretty scary emotionally for her for awhile. After much conversation we decided the best thing for her was to graduate early and head to college right away. Now I'll be honest, I didn't know if she was going to go! She really wanted to take a year off but finally decided to give it a shot. To my surprise she also chose to go to UWP (much to Norb's dismay) and blossomed hugely that first semester.
Graduation Ceremony

    There were some challenges with her being 17 and in college. There were so issues with her roommate but I will not go into that at all...that's for another day! Maybe I'll do a post all about college FAQ's. This semester so far started out great! She's moved in with a roomie that she picked last year and they get along well. She's happy to have her independence and make her own decisions. She's also started dating a very nice boy, Jordan. He seems to be good for her and they have a relationship like nothing she has had before. Makes me a little nervous because he's a lot like Dennis.....is this the forever one?!
    Sometimes when I'm talking to her I hear myself speaking...she's so much like me it's scary! She's still got her goofy side which you'll see from the photos, I hope she never loses that! She's really growing into a beautiful woman and I'm just so proud.


Abbie's 1st tattoo
Abbie & Jordan


1st day of HS
8th Grade Graduation
Drake has stared High School....WHAT? WAIT? THAT HAPPENED WHEN? Where does the time go? I really never thought about him being in high school....seriously thought he would just always be 10 lol. This past year has been rough on him with the move. We gave him the option to stay at his current middle school or transfer to our district school. He chose to transfer and here's the kicker, he chose to transfer because the academics are so much better in Franklin and he wanted to get ahead! Who makes that decision at 14? I know I wouldn't have!!!
     He finally made some friends and although it's not many he has a handful so that's good. The first day was pretty nerve racking...I mean this school is huge, I've never seen a school so big! He seems to be doing well so far expect having to wake up at 5:30 am to catch the bus in time. He'll get used to it!
Day after surgery
     One of the biggest things to happen to Drake this past summer was an emergency appendectomy. Wow that was pretty scary! He went through it like a champ and is glad that will never happen again.

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