Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh the most wonderful day ever

Today is my best friends birthday! He is my 1 & only, the love of my life, the best thing that's ever happened to me. Just knowing him makes me a better person and without him I wouldn't be who I am today. We don't get to do our usualy family celebration due to bow shooting tonight but Lorie and I will be taking him for Mexican this weekend to celebrate with drinks for sure.

Not much changes around here. Norbert is pretty mellow and remped up to move. Abbie still can't spell to save her life and is very emotional over the move. Drake is developing quite the pre-teen attitude and still my snuggle bear. We have seriously started packing now and looking forward to moving even a small bit this week if the inspection goes well. I have to admit I'm getting pretty nervous...well wait....I've been nervous for about a month thinking we aren't going to make this deadline. I know in reality everything will work out fine but it's in my nature to stress over things I can't control. And I'm really to the point where I just want to be done with it and move on from here. For the first time ever I'm so ready for a new year.

In other news, there is nothing! I'm at a loss of what to write about. Nothing funny has happened lately other than our usual antics. I love my life, my family, and my friends. I love to laugh at all of the rare moments that are truely worth the gut ache afterwards.

Oh wait, 1 more thing. In my constant strive to become the thin me that I know is hiding under all of this fat I have embarked on the Paleo Diet way of live. Day 1 was mostly successful but then I got home and totally bombed trying to figure out what to make for dinner so of course I ended up eating everything I shouldn't. I'm going to try my very best to stick as closely as possible and not stray to far until I can go shopping this weekend. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm back......

Wow I can't believe it's been a month since I've blogged...I just have the hardest time with juggling everything going on right now. A long list of events are currently happening in my life and it doesn't seem to ever slow down. First of all the move is finally right around the corner so figuring out all of the final details is driving me mad. Then I have one child that is trying to buck the system at every turn and really hating that we're moving. Onward, I have been having some pretty major health issues and doc finally told me if I don't make a lifestyle change I will die. I think out of all of it that is the hardest to swallow...but more to follow shortly.

So let's address the move first. Looks as if we'll be starting to move things in slowly in about a week. Their new house is getting the hardwood floors in 11/28 and then carpeting 12/5 so right after that we start working our butts off to make it happen before New Years! I'm sickly nervous about the whole thing but have faith that it will happen without a hitch. Sad to say that we'll be moving over Christmas but what can you do? Our POD is being delivered 11/28 and that will start clearing out the house.

My problem child...but o'how I love her. Abbie is such an angel in disguise. Sweetest girl you will ever meet but in the end she is also the most opinionated, stubborn girl ever. She's not afraid to speak her mind and is currently fighting the "every other weekend to see her friends" compromise that was mentioned a year ago. I know that her social life is most important to her right now but also don't think she understand that there are determining factors to all that driving. The funniest thing is that everything she is doing to me I did to my mom at some point. It really does come true when you're parents say "Just you wait until you have a child of your own, then you'll understand!" Ha, I get it now

So here's my laughter for the day....Drake has been coming up with some dandy things lately. His comments just kill me such as:
  1. No but thank you very much
  2. I would much rather not
  3. I'm thinking no
The best thing he's said recently is "I wonder what it's like to be married. What is it like for you mom?" To this my response was automatic (and a bit deep for my 11 year old).

Being married is like having your bestfriend by your side for the rest of your life. It's like constantly having a coach with you to help you solve problems and cheer you on. It's also like having a parent forever because you always have someone else to think about when you're making decisions....it's the greatest thing in the world.

With that I close for the day thinking much about how children can really make you re-evaluate how you look at your life!